DB Leadership NOW on *Surdists United's Letter

DeafBlind Leadership NOW

*Surdists United's Letter

*Surdists United

To the Helen Keller National Center/Helen Keller Services,

This letter serves to express the support of *Surdists United for the recent DeafBlind Leadership NOW petition.

Because our community of Deaf and DeafBlind creatives is committed to social justice and social equity, we cannot disregard the fact that HKNC is disempowering DeafBlind individuals by consistently selecting hearing and sighted individuals as leaders.

The DeafBlind Leadership NOW petition, created and signed by numerous DeafBlind advocates, calls on HKNC/HKS to respond to demands that ensure representation in positions where DeafBlind individuals can truly shape the future of the organization. You have an historic opportunity! They can help you recreate HKNC as a thriving organization of, for, and by.

Today, really, there is no excuse.

The DeafBlind advocates of today are a diverse group of multitalented individuals who can touch the future. Take the first step into the future by meeting their demands.

With sincere hopes,

Karen Christie
SU Board President

*Surdists United is a 501(c)3 entity and a collective movement of visual artists, filmmakers, poets, storytellers, writers, and performers committed to making art about Deaf experiences and social justice through ARTivism.