DB Leadership NOW on Petition

DeafBlind Leadership NOW Petition

Final Edition
August 5, 2024
262 signatures
Including 5 current DeafBlind HKNC employees and the sole DeafBlind member of the HKS Board of Trustees


The Petition
The Signatures
Appendix: Bryen M Yunashko’s Statement


Ten years ago, Helen Keller Services promised to promote a DeafBlind person to the directorship of Helen Keller National Center for the first time. When it once again failed to fulfill that agreement with our community by selecting yet another hearing-sighted candidate—over qualified DeafBlind ones—we took action.

The first step of the DeafBlind Leadership NOW movement is to deliver this petition to HKS Board of Trustees and the U.S. Department of Education.

It is a special kind of petition, signed only by DeafBlind. Two hundred sixty-two DeafBlind from all paths of life, representing several countries and an extraordinary number of DeafBlind organizations and local communities, not only signed our names but also seized the opportunity to introduce ourselves a little. We hope it is clear from our historic document that Helen Keller Services has no excuses and that it’s time for DeafBlind leadership there. Please note that many who signed the petition have held or are holding top leadership positions—but none at the one place with the most explicit mandate to serve our communities, HKNC.

Helen Keller Services has until August 9, 2024, to comply with our demands.

Meantime, we urge everyone, DeafBlind and non-DeafBlind alike, to contact your representatives in Congress. Much of HKNC’s work is federally funded, including through a line item, by act of Congress. Share our petition with your House Representative and two Senators. Our Legislative Action Team Chair, Marc Safman, is available to give you the contact information for your representatives and to provide tips on how to write your letter or prepare for your calls or meetings. Feel free to email him at outreach@deafblindleadershipnow.org.

Anyone wishing to speak directly to Helen Keller Services Board of Trustees can write to Larry Kinitsky, Chair, at lkinitsky@helenkellerservices.onmicrosoft.com.

Feel free to forward, post on Facebook and via other social media, discuss our cause across all media, and initiate a variety of other actions. Organizations and agencies, whether DeafBlind-related or adjacent or in solidarity, are encouraged to consider making public statements. We are happy to include such statements on our website https://deafblindleadershipnow.org.

Visit our website for updates as our movement evolves. We will not stop until our demands are met.

Thank you for your support!

The Petition

We, the undersigned members of various DeafBlind communities, are fed up with Helen Keller National Center continuing to be controlled by hearing and sighted people. HKNC’s mission is to serve DeafBlind, yet has always resisted DeafBlind representation and leadership.

Helen Keller Services, HKNC’s distant parent entity, recently selected yet another hearing and sighted person to be HKNC’s next executive director. Qualified DeafBlind candidates, including the top finalist, were passed over. HKNC has never had a DeafBlind person hold the position.

The current HKS Board of Trustees has only one DeafBlind representative.

Qualified DeafBlind leaders had expressed interest in the director position or applied for it since at least 1956, when HKNC was known as the Anne Sullivan Macy Services federal pilot program. There have been protests before. In recent years, HKNC made unspoken but clear promises that a DeafBlind director would be hired "next time."

Enough is enough. It’s time.

We make the following four demands:

First, a DeafBlind person is appointed executive director of HKNC.

Second, HKNC is separated from Helen Keller Services (for the Blind), so that HKNC becomes its own, autonomous entity.

Third, HKNC's newly created Board of Trustees is made up of 70 percent or more DeafBlind members.

Fourth, HKS and all of its subsidiaries will not retaliate against any HKS or HKNC employee, family member, or student for any civil action related to the selection process or related issues.

With this petition, we are also taking the opportunity to introduce ourselves a little, to demonstrate how diverse and talented we are. HKNC has no excuses.

The HKS Board of Trustees has until August 9, 2024, to comply with our first demand and begin legally binding transition processes toward fulfilling the next two demands. Failure to do so will prompt the second stage of our movement.

The Signatures

Five current DeafBlind HKNC employees requesting anonymity

Lisa Ainscough
Former fundraising specialist, DeafBlind Program, Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind

Carolynsue M. Alflen
Founder and former president, Missouri DeafBlind Association

Bryan L. Alkire, J.D.
Former HKNC student

Nicole Alleman
Former board member, American Association of the DeafBlind

Sue Anderson
Voracious reader, grandmother

Xayan al-Amin
Student, College of the Sequoias, Fashion Design and Merchandising

Annie LeJeune Arabie
Loving housewife

Dan Arabie
Founder, National Association of the DeafBlind

Kim W. Archer, Honors B.A.
Disability Studies

Jorge H. Aristizabal
"I vote for this petition!"

Heidi Aulenbach
Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Karen Bailey, L.M.S.W., L.C.S.W.

Jennifer Baratta
Former job seeker from Helen Keller National Center

Denis Bardet

Laurie Barnes
President, Alberta Society of the DeafBlind

Aziz Bennani
"Bien à vous"

Nadyne Berger
Usher, aide social, membre de l’ASUQ, locataire de la MDS

Nandani Bhowan
"Keep in touch!"

Ed Borrone
Former HKNC student; master woodworker

Erin Bradford
Librarian "DeafBlind Can!"

Tashi Bradford, Ph.D. candidate
Linguistics, Radboud University; owner, Totaal Languaging

Jay Breese
Set-up specialist, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Morgan Breese, M.A.
Manager, DeafBlind Program, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind "No thanks to benevolent ableism"

Becca Brenowitz, M.P.A.
Protactile Theatre actress; secretary, barista, and line cook

Esty Brenowitz, Ph.D. candidate
Gallaudet University

Hayley Broadway, M.Ed.
Co-principal investigator, Protactike Kids grant, Gallaudet University; owner, Touch Seeds

Maria V. Brook
Never misses a meeting or an event

Scott Burch, B.S.
President's Scholar, Gallaudet University

Roberto Cabrera, M.S.
Former Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

Christian Call
Podcaster, volunteer, France

Emili Capili, M.A.
Public relations coordinator, DeafBlind Community of Texas

Dr. Francis Casale
Former candidate for the position of executive director of HKNC

Krista Caudill
Advocate; former HKNC student

Caroline Cerilli
Research Program Coordinator, Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center

Aimee Chappelow
Program Specialist, Missouri SSP-CN Program; former V.R. counselor; past president, American Association of the DeafBlind

Colleen Charbonneau
"Please add my name"

Lisa Chiango
Assistive technology trainer, Perkins School for the Blind; vice president, DeafBlind Contact Center

Fanny Chopot
Product Owner Cybersecurity, France

Daniel Chu

John Lee Clark, Ph.D. candidate
Author of "Touch the Future: A Manifesto in Essays"

Keith Clark, M.A., C.P.A.C.C.
Marketing manager; former director, DeafBlind Program, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Vincent Clark, M.A.
Retired DeafBlind specialist; former vice president, American Association of the DeafBlind

Debra Cole
Educator, Lexington School for the Deaf

Elizabeth Cole-Pope

Steven D. Collins, Ph.D.
Retired linguist and professor, Gallaudet University

James Cooley, B.F.A.

Jason Corning
Accessibility consultant

Noëlie Coupin
Degree in Psychology, France

Hervé Couture
Usher, employé de la MDS, membre de l’ASUQ, locataire de la MDS

Allana Crew

Iris Cruz-Whidden
Board member, Florida DeafBlind Association

John Cunniff
Retired employee, Perkins School for the Blind; former president, DeafBlind Contact Center

Nykkolas C. Dauzyn
ProTactile educator and mentor; Dialectical Behavioral Therapist; Certified Trauma-Informed Care Peer

Barbara Davis

Dana Dehaesus
President, Northern California Association of Deaf-Blind

Blaise Delahoussaye
Retired; longtime member, Metro Washington Association of the DeafBlind

Daniel Deschênes
Ex-directeur général et vice-président de l’Association du Syndrome de Usher du Québec

Mindy Dill, M.A.
Retired school counselor; former vice president, American Association of the DeafBlind

Melissa Doty
Former HKNC student; all-around DeafBlind services

Jacqueline Doyle
"Please listen to the community"

Marie Doyle
Former executive director, DeafBlind Contact Center

Abigail Strauss Drake
Manager, Alumni Engagement, Gallaudet University

Marsha Drenth, C.V.R.T., C.A.T.I.S. and T.V.I. in process
Access Technology Instructor; Social Worker; student, Salus-Drexel University

Paul Ducharme
"Feel me in or I mean count me in!"

Rhonda Eernisse, B.A.
Leader, Texas DeafBlind Camp; former case manager, Access Alaska, University of Alaska-Anchorage

Jagannath Einhorn
Performer and media artist; DeafBlind Entertainment

Kristeen Elliott
Giraffe and cat lover

Laura Engler
"Anything is possible!"

Jackie Engler-Morris
Interpreting and Professional Services Manager, DeafBlind Service Center

David Ernest Ennis, B.S.

Tom Erickson
Longtime member, Minnesota DeafBlind Association

Ridge G. Euler
"Peace and many thanks!"

John Fenicle, M.S.

Lisa Ferris, M.Ed.
Curriculum specialist and co-owner, Miles Access Skills Training, LLC

Victor Figuereo
Former HKNC student

Lisa Flaherty-Vaughn
Vice president, DeafBlind Support and Access Network

Stephanie (Steffy) Floux
Belgium, DeafBlind mentor, co-founder and former president of the national French DeafBlind advocacy organization

Zachary Fox, B.A.

Tammy Frost

Jon Gabry Jr., B.F.A., M.A.
Fine artist; educator; former HKNC student

Erick Gallegos
Website accessibility specialist

Haben Girma, J.D.
Author of “Haben: The Deafblind Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law”

Laura Godbold, M.A.
Former adjunct professor, University of North Florida and Carolina University

Kevin Gdovin
Maintenance Services, Cherokee County Schools

Alberto Gonzales
Protactile Mentor

Sarah Goodwin, M.S.
Adjunct instructor and doctoral student; board member, DeafBlind Community of Texas

Lue Gordon

Andy Granda
Amateur endurance athlete

Martin Greenberg

Joseph Grigely, D.Phil.
Professor, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Heather Grizzle
Horticulturalist, gardener, writer, mother of two young children, wife of a fellow DeafBlind

James E. Groff, M.P.A.
"A qualified DeafBlind person should lead a DeafBlind-centered organization"

Bryan R. Grubb
"I, Bryan R. Grubb, sign this petition"

Jon Paul Guerci
Former trainer, iCanConnect

Suzanne “Suzi” Guimond, M.A.
Former HKNC Regional Representative, Region 5; owner, Embrace Within LLC

Diane Plassey Gutierrez
Retired guidance counselor

Antonia Venesse Guy, B.A.
Certified Professional Astrologer; owner, Astro Woke; board member, Deaf Women United

Thor Halvorsen, B.A.
Rehabilitation Counselor for the Hard of Hearing

John Hamilton, Jr.
HKNC student

Cristina Hartmann, J.D., M.F.A.

Casey Hassett
Founder, Tucson DeafBlind Social; chairperson, Community Outreach Program for the Deaf

Roméo Hatchi, Ph.D.
Applied mathematics; climate research engineer

Melissa Haynes

Guinevere Head-Allen
Associate teacher and paraprofessional; student, Gallaudet University

Jose Herrera
Retired; longtime member, Minnesota DeafBlind Association

Jennifer Hess, M.A.
Clinical Mental Health Counseling; president, Board of Trustees, DeafBlind Service Center

Mike Higgins
Director, Linda Laurie Associates

Chris Holbrook
"DeafBlind need to be on the board!"

Rox’e Homstad
Assistive technology trainer, A.T.A.C.P., NolaVision LLC; service animal trainer, Believe Ability LLC

Brittany Houghton
Job seeker; former HKNC student

Donna Huff
Former coordinator, Pittsburgh DeafBlind Gathering

Amanda Lee Huston
Former HKNC student "You can't put us in one mold"

Sarah Idler, C.D.I.
ASL interpreter

Katherine Inman, B.A.
Graduate student, T.V.I. in process

Tracie Fields Inman
Writer; former first vice president, National Federation of the Blind Deafblind Division

Tara L. Invidiato, M.Ed.
Former vice president, American Association of the DeafBlind; Tactifying Language Integrations

Ashley (AJ) Jackson, M.S.W.
Recent graduate, Gallaudet University

Ronald Jackson
"MY name is Ronald Jackson"

Timothy Jackson
Former president, American Association of the DeafBlind

Linda Jacques
Présidente de l'ASUQ, Montréal, Québec.

Kathy Jankowski, Ph.D.
Retired Dean of Clerc Center, Gallaudet University
Author of "Agatha Tiegel Hanson: Our Places in the Sun"

James Jensen
Former HKNC student

Grace Johnson
Community member

Kristin Johnson
Community member

Najma Johnson, M.A.
Director, Multicultural Student Programs, Gallaudet University; owner, Grow Touch, plant shop tailored for DeafBlind

Victor Jones
Chef; former HKNC student

Debra Kahn
President, Washington State DeafBlind Citizens; Braille instructor

Florida Kivlin
"I support it!"

Melissa Kosa
"I support this 100 percent!"

Evan Kurth, Certification in I.T.
Amazon employee

Line Laforest
Agente de communication Association du Syndrome de Usher du Québec (ASUQ)

Mark Landreneau
Governmental relations specialist, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Jaimi Lard
Retired spokesperson, Perkins School for the Blind; former president, DeafBlind Contact Center

Amanda Lee
Intermediate Typist Clerk, Los Angeles County Publc Works

Jon Leitzke
Student, Rochester Institute of Technology

Riss Leitzke, M.B.A. candidate
Accessibility Coordinator, Wilderness Inquiry

Lucie Lessard
Course Braille

Jacques Levesque
Sourd-aveugle, locataire de la MDS, membre de l’ASUQ

Christopher Loomis
Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Sheila Loos
"Proud DeafBlind mother and grandmother in Kansas City, Missouri!"

Craig MacLean
Creator, Five-Star Disability blog

Christopher Magliocchino
Retired IBM employee; proud sibling; cat lover

Victoria Magliocchino, M.Ed.
Retired teacher, Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; past president, Florida DeafBlind Associaton

France Marchand
Sourde-aveugle, membre de l’ASUQ, locataire de la MDS

Josiane Marcoux
Sourde-aveugle, employée de l’ASUQ

Lisa van der Mark, Ph.D. candidate
The Netherlands

Maria Marquez
Loyal member, Florida DeafBlind Association

Eddie Martinez Jr., M.P.A. candidate
Accommodations Coordinator, Office of Students With Disabilities, Gallaudet University

Steven McCoy
Producer-Journalist, Sessions with Steven

Stephanie McEruiggan
Mom of two and grandmother of three; former HKNC student

Megan McHugh
Assistive technology instructor

Deborah McKenney-McNally
In process of founding Michigan DeafBlind Advocates; former chairperson, American Deaf and Hard of Hearing Postal Workers

Sarah K. McMillen, M.A.

Anne McQuade
Director, DeafBlind Access of the South

Kelly Monahan
Founder, DeafBlind Escape Cruises

Victorica D. Monroe, PhD candidate
Author of "Swishing"

Morrison, M.Ed.
Accessibility Consultant and Trainer

Eddie Morten
Brother of Pier

Pier Morten
Brother of Eddie

Cynthia Moss
Former HKNC student ; board member, Northern California Association of DeafBlind

Annie Moureau
Secrétaire générale puis vice-présidente de Association Nationale pour les Personnes Sourdaveugles

Lea E. Moynihan, M.A.
Former employee of the State of North Carolina

Mae Mullen, B.A.
CNC Machinist, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Teresa Myers

Marquis Nath
New Jersey

Katie Noel
Mail inserter, Tandem

Chantal Nolin
Membre, Association du Syndrome de Usher du Québec.

Terri Nolt
Chairperson, DeafBlind Planning Committee, Vancouver

Scott Oberg

Ryan Ollis, B.A.
DeafBlind Program Coordinator

Angie C. Orlando, M.F.A.
Author of "Through the Tunnel: Becoming DeafBlind"

Sonia Orsingher

Ruth Osorio
Associate Professor of English and Women's and Gender Studies

Patrick Pallies, M.S.W.
DeafBlind Specialist, New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Angela Palmer, M.A.

Karen Park, B.A.
Certified Horticulturist and Consultant; founder, Ecological Horticulture of Deaf; former coordinator, DeafBlind Communuty Class

Sricamalan Pathmanathan
Board member, Canadian National Society of the DeafBlind; chair, Action Committee, DeafBlind Association of Toronto

Heather Lee Pavey, B.S.
DB YEA! Mentor; retreat director, DeafBlind Community of Texas

René Pellerin
Sole DeafBlind member of HKS Board of Trustees; former president, American Association of the DeafBlind

Angele Periard
"Thank you!"

Matthew Pettit
Former HKNC student

Jamie Pope, M.S.W.
Consultant; former executive director, American Association of the DeafBlind

Randall Pope
President, North Carolina Association of the DeafBlind; former president, American Association of the DeafBlind

Guillaume Portalier
Vocational rehabilitation counselor, France

Samantha Porter
Former president, American Association of the DeafBlind

Diane Poulin
Protactile Educator

Lawrence Poulin

Roger Poulin, B.A.
Technology instructor, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Kim Powers

Lenore Pressley, B.S.W.
Vice President, Northern California Association of the DeafBlind

Concetta Pucci, PhD., L.I.C.S.W., L.C.S.W.
University Professor and Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Amelia Puildo

Richard Putt
Former HKNC student; retired fiscal employee

Timothy Putt
Former federal government employee

Kayla Raquel, M.S.W.
"We want DeafBlind Leadership NOW!"

Jaime Recht, B.S.
Program Analyst, Federal Railroad Administration

Cheryl L. Rhodes
Co-founder, Florida DeafBlind Association

Jay Rhodes
Graduate student, Gallaudet University

Elio Riggillo
Protactile Educator

Brenda Roberts
"Yes, I agree!"

Jayce T. Romero
Former HKNC client

Yashaira "Yash" Romilus
Protactile Educator; co-founder, Protactile Theatre; former HKNC student

Christine "Coco" Roschaert
Educator, writer, traveler

Amy Rowson, B.S.
Educator; former trainer, Missouri SSP Program

Trudy Ryall

Marc Safman
C.E.O., Safman Consulting; co-founder, New York DeafBlind Advocates

Winfield Sainpreux
Artist; founder, Florida DeafBlind Events

Rosemary T. Sanborn
Community member

Jane Sayer
Chairperson, Mantioba Deaf-Blind Association

Heather Schoenwald, M.S.
Johns Hopkins University; Liberty Resources Inc.; former director, Oregon Commission for the Blind

Howie Seago
Hollywood, television, and stage actor

Barry R. Segal, M.A.
Instructor, Saint Paul College

Faruqee Sikder

Robert T. Sirvage, M.A.
Design researcher

Elsa Sjunneson
Author of "Being Seen: One Deafblind Woman's Fight to End Ableism"

Shaunna Smith

Allyson Snow
Protactile mentor

Sidney Snow
Board member, DeafBlind Community of Texas

Romain Solinas, M.A. candidate
Linguistics; Protactile educator

Debbie Sommer
Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Nancy Sommer
Former Independent Living Skills instruction, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Thomas Soret
President, Unanimes France; co-chair, French national task force on deafblindness

Jesse Stanley
President, DeafBlind Support and Access Network; director, DeafBlind Retreat of New England

Patty Starr
Retired, New York DeafBlind Advocates

Tracy Stine, B.S.
ASL teacher and freelance writer

Cai Steele
"The irony is I'm (a student) here at HKNC right now"

Caryn Tenin, B.S.
Leader, Arizona DeafBlind Coalition

Angela Theriabult
Executive Director, DeafBlind Service Center

André Thibeault, M.A.
Ancien chargé de cours, Faculté d'éducation de l'Université d'Ottawa; Ancien vice-président, Association du Syndrome de Usher du Québec

C. Thomas
"DeafBlind people should have an active role"

Tonilyn Todd

Barbie Tresnak
Entrepreneur, BYLD/Oncore Solar

Winnie Tunison, B.A.
President, DeafBlind Contact Center

Jesus Valdes
Former HKNC student; board member, DeafBlind Contact Center
"Nothing about us without us!"

Bert Van de Sompele
Multiple leadership roles, including with the European Deafblind Youth Camp

Soline Vennetier, Ph.D. candidate
Co-founder, Réseau National des SourdAveugles

Bruce Visser, M.A.
One of three DeafBlind siblings; master craftsman; access technology trainer

Rhonda Voight-Campbell
Protactile Educator; owner, Two Fronds Consulting
"DeafBlind Know Best!"

Angeli Wahlstedt
Former software developer

Liz Walker
Former HKNC student; former board member, American Association of the DeafBlind
"I’m a supporter of the whole DeafBlind community!"

Lara Rose Wall
President, Florida DeafBlind Association; founder, PT Dream Adventures and DeafBlind Voyage
"It’s time we kick HKNC's butt"

Amanda Warren, M.P.A.
Coordinator, DeafBlind Community Class and DeafBlind Retreat, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

Ann Warren
Vice president, Georgia Association of the DeafBlind; art director, DeafBlind Access of the South Retreat

Annmaree Watharow, Ph.D.
Researcher, University of Sydney

Janet Wayne
Member, DBCS

Krista Webb
Wood-burning artist

Theresa Wells
Former HKNC student; founder, Breezin’ Bytes, LLC

Arizona Welsh
Former treasurer, American Association of the DeafBlind

Molly Wezel-Peterson
President, Minnesota DeafBlind Association

Brett Wilhelm
HKNC student and intern; president, Sight and Sound Impaired of St. Louis; manager, Missouri and Nebraska SSP programs
"Time has long since come to spread a positive example"

Ernest Willman, M.Ed.
Certified Deaf Interpreter; Professional Life Coach

John Winstead
Former president, American Association of the DeafBlind

Brandie Young
Employee, AlphaPointe; founder, DeafBlind Social Group of Kansas City; former HKNC student

Bryen M Yunashko
Read his statement in the appendix below

Melissa A. Zagarella
Certification in ceramics, Cecil College

Kathryn Zarate
Former HKNC employee; current vice president, Florida DeafBlind Association

Caterina Zorrilla
Artist; former HKNC student


Bryen M. Yunashko's Statement

August 1, 2024

Hello, my name is Bryen M. Yunashko, and I am a DeafBlind business owner. I have also worked in various roles with the Helen Keller National Center, having done some technology training work and also briefly serving as a policy representative for governmental affairs. In 2014, I was invited to join the Helen Keller National Center Executive Director Search Committee. I was one of two DeafBlind members of the committee, which also included members of HKNC's parent organization, Helen Keller Services; board members, and the CEO of HKS himself.

I was part of the committee during its last half of its functions. So, I have limited knowledge of any discussions before my arrival. But by the time I arrived, a plan was forming. I considered it a great hope for all DeafBlind. That hope is once again dashed.

In those final meetings, it was decided to create a new position for Chris Woodfill, a talented DeafBlind candidate for the top position. The CEO himself expressed deep fondness for Chris and wanted to see him in the position but was concerned that Chris did not have enough financial management experience.

I personally approached Chris to find out how he really felt about this idea, since he apparently already knew of the plan as well. It was clear he wanted the job, but he accepted that he needed more financial experience. I did not press him any further to determine if this was his own words or not, but it was clear he was aware of the path and was willing to take this path.

It was during this search that the community held out hope that this time we would finally witness a DeafBlind leader at HKNC. And in my personal opinion, Chris was ready for the job, but I also respected the reservations being expressed and felt that Chris deserves to have a "learning period" before taking over the Center.

On the final day of interviews, Sue Ruzenski proved to be a well-prepared interviewee who presented very well. We agreed this would be the great union that not only achieves our goal of eventually having a DeafBlind executive director, but ensuring he would have the tools needed to keep the Center strong.

There was a previous conversation that stuck in my mind that day. Sue expressed privately that she wanted the job but understood that now was the time for a DeafBlind to take over. The tide was changing and like everywhere else in America, glass ceilings were being broken everywhere.

But she did get the job, with my endorsement of the plan that Chris would eventually fill the position when it became vacant again. And although I had not been keeping tabs on HKNC activities in recent years, the several times I stopped by and had a conversation, I was always told that Chris was absolutely ready for the job. So, I had no reason to question it.

It is now 2024. HKNC has signed on yet another non-DeafBlind to be executive director of HKNC, this being the third hire since 2014. It is clear that the promise has been broken and a betrayal exists. This, I do not understand.

We were very clear during our final deliberations that we wanted this and we wanted to send a clear message of accountability to the community about why we chose this path.

To Sue, I regret that it has come to this, because I do believe that, deep down, you do wish good things. But it cannot be ignored that you were a direct beneficiary of this plan. When you were promoted to become CEO of HKS, you did not follow through with the plan. For this I am deeply puzzled.

And to the newly appointed Executive Director, please be aware that your hiring was contingent on breaking a decade-old promise made to the very community you signed on to serve.

It is time for change. It is time for priorities to be determined by DeafBlind. It is time that we are the ones who should determine our destiny.

HKNC gets a significant amount of funding from the federal government via vocational rehabilitation funding. What is the point if that funding is used to tell DeafBlind that we can never lead ourselves? It is time for a change!


Bryen M. Yunashko