DB Leadership NOW on I Wanna Be With You Everywhere's Statement

DeafBlind Leadership NOW

I Wanna Be With You Everywhere's Statement

I Wanna Be With You Everywhere (IWBWYE), a group of disabled artists in cross-disability community and disability arts, wholeheartedly supports the longstanding and ongoing demands of DeafBlind community to lead and direct their own affairs free from external representation.

We call on the Helen Keller National Center to fulfill their now decade long promise of equal opportunity in fairly promoting DeafBlind leadership at the point of its directorship. The fact that a foundation named for a DeafBlind person has not once had a DeafBlind person in this position is alarming and this fact itself speaks volumes to the pervasive injustices and wide discrepancies faced by DeafBlind communities to collectively self-determine their representation.

As the saying goes: "Nothing About Us Without Us." I wanna be with you everywhere stands in solidarity with DeafBlind Leadership NOW and looks forward to HKNC making good on their promise of DeafBlind leadership—now.

In solidarity,
