DB Leadership NOW on Florida DeafBlind Association's Letter

DeafBlind Leadership NOW

Florida DeafBlind Association's Letter

Florida DeafBlind Association

July 30, 2024

To Whom It May Concern,

It's 2024. It's time. For the DeafBlind Leadership NOW. We, the DeafBlind people of Florida, declare our support for DeafBlind Leadership NOW.

We want to express our frustration with Helen Keller Services and Helen Keller National Center. We demand that Helen Keller Services and Helen Keller National Center acknowledge the demands of the DeafBlind Leadership NOW.

Florida DeafBlind Association (FDBA) is a non-profit organization in the great State of Florida. The active members of FDBA are 100% DeafBlind. FDBA is a diverse group of DeafBlind individuals who advocate for themselves, provide peer support, raise awareness for DeafBlind issues in Florida, and provide training for CoNavigators. FDBA also provides ProTactile training to both Deafblind individuals and their hearing-sighted peers.

The DeafBlind people of Florida has been silent as we have observed Helen Keller Services and Helen Keller National Center's second-class treatment of people who are DeafBlind since the late 1960's. Additionally, we have remained quiet as well educated and experienced DeafBlind individuals have applied for leadership positions at Helen Keller National Center and repeatedly been passed over for applicants who were both hearing and sighted. To date, there has never been a DeafBlind individual in the Executive Director position at HKNC. Additionally, there is only one DeafBlind individual on the Helen Keller services Board of Trustees.

FDBA can no longer remain silent. The time has come when we must make our voices heard. We will no longer accept this violation of human rights. We will no longer accept this discrimination on the part of the Leaders of Helen Keller Services. We will no longer accept unequal treatment. People who are DeafBlind are not unequal citizens of the United States of America. Helen Keller Services knows this to be true, and they systematically choose to ignore this fact. Helen Keller Services history states that in 1942 the United States military recognized the work of DeafBlind individuals and their contribution to the WW Il war effort. It is long past time for Helen Keller Services to recognize that we, the people who are DeafBlind, are equal members of the American society who should be treated as equals, provided equal employment opportunities in leadership roles, and recognized as equal when it comes to leadership roles within Helen Keller Services and Helen Keller National Center.

Florida DeafBlind Association, in support of DeafBlind Leadership NOW, demands the following:

  • Helen Keller National Center be separated from Helen Keller Services and become an entity independent of any other agency.

  • Helen Keller National Center should have a board of trustees consisting of 70% or greater majority of board members who are DeafBlind.

  • Helen Keller National Center should have an Executive Director who is Deafblind. HKNC should also have been staffed with 51% or higher by individuals who are DeafBlind.

  • Helen Keller National Center should be transparent with all governing practices, management, and service provision. The DeafBlind community should be made aware of policies and decisions which may affect them and the services which they receive.

HKNC has until August 9, 2024 to respond to these demands. Failure to comply with these demands may result in FDBA withdrawing our support for HKNC.

We respectfully request that Helen Keller National Center acknowledge these demands in a timely manner.

Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in this important matter.


Lara Rose Wall
President, Florida DeafBlind Association
