DB Leadership NOW on Connecticut Association of the Deaf's Letter

DeafBlind Leadership NOW

Connecticut Association of the Deaf's Letter

Connecticut Association of the Deaf

Board of Directors
Helen Keller National Center
141 Middle Neck Road
Sands Point, NY 11050

September 7, 2024

Dear Members of the Board,

We are writing to you on behalf of the Connecticut Association of the Deaf (CAD) to express our deep concern and profound disappointment regarding the recent decision to appoint a sighted, hearing individual as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Helen Keller National Center (HKNC). This decision has caused significant distress within our community, particularly among the DeafBlind members who feel their voices and leadership are being marginalized.

As an organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and empowerment of Deaf individuals, we stand in solidarity with the many community members and leaders who have raised concerns about this appointment. These voices include respected individuals such as Haben Girma, a renowned advocate and graduate of Harvard Law School; Sarah Morrison, an esteemed alumni of the American School for the Deaf in Connecticut; the DeafBlind Association of Connecticut, and numerous other DeafBlind individuals and organizations across New England and beyond.

The HKNC has long been a beacon of hope and empowerment for the DeafBlind community, and it is crucial that its leadership reflects the lived experiences and perspectives of those it serves. The appointment of a DeafBlind CEO is not only a matter of representation but also one of ensuring that the organization's leadership is deeply connected to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by the DeafBlind community.

We implore the HKNC to reconsider this decision and to prioritize the appointment of a DeafBlind individual to the role of CEO. There are qualified DeafBlind candidates who have the expertise, vision, and lived experience necessary to lead the organization effectively and to ensure that it continues to fulfill its mission in a manner that is truly inclusive and empowering.

The concerns raised by community members and advocates are not just about representation but about the very integrity of the HKNC's mission and its commitment to those it serves. By appointing a DeafBlind CEO, the HKNC would send a powerful message of inclusion, respect, and trust in the capabilities of DeafBlind individuals.

We urge you to take these concerns seriously and to act in the best interest of the community you serve. The CAD stands ready to support the DeafBlind community in this crucial decision-making process to ensure that the leadership of the HKNC reflects the diversity, strength, and resilience of the DeafBlind community.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We hope that the HKNC will take the necessary steps to rectify this situation and to reaffirm its commitment to the DeafBlind community.

Luisa Gasco-Soboleski

Dr. Julia Silvestri
Vice President

Liza Alers
2nd Vice President CCOSD

Jessica Tanner

June Terry
2nd Secretary CCOSD

Alexandra McGee

Leroy Terrio
2nd Treasurer CCOSD

Barbara Cassin
Law Chair

Alvin Chege
Youth Coordinator

Dr. Harvey Corson
Legislative & Education Chair

Liza Alers
Website Coordinator

Board Representatives

Mary Silvestri

Leroy Terrio

Houston McBride

Susan Catale
South Central

Barbara Morris
North Central

Newsletter Editor
Barbara Morris

State Conference Chairpersons
Paul and Terri Ditimi

Connecticut Association of the Deaf
P.O. Box 4
139 North Main Street
West Hartford, CT 06107